Thursday, November 3, 2011

Portfolio and Resume

For my portfolio, I divided the page up into a grid of 9 equal sectors and from there used one or multiple sector for each image that was shown and one sector was reserved for text. Images that were given hierarchy were not only larger in this case, but were seen breaking the grid by taking over multiple sectors, creating multiple levels of hierarchy. The background for my first page was black due to the bright colors presented by the perspectives and aerial views and in order to allow the sections and plans to read more balanced with those perspectives. On the next  spread, a black background would not have suited the grayscale rendered images and would not have allowed the bleeding white of the perspectives to work effectively so the background remained white. In my resume, I used the same sectors and actually used that space to include the cover letter and statement of intent so that the resume would be folded into a tripartite paper and the statement of intent would read on the front, with the rest of the resume on the interior.

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