Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Logo Design

For This exercise I used several different techniques to create a logo for the linear gallery. The first was to use the actual letters that make up Linear and Gallery, and to combine the words along the shared A in both words. I did this by using a horizontal and vertical text, and differentiating the typeface and the specifics of that typeface to separate the two words further. I then used linear bands of color to both reinforce the idea of the gallery and the word differentiation. Next I took a similar approach but extended the I in Linear down so that it became the baseline for the word Gallery. I again used color to iterate this design and see how effective it could be. Next I took that idea again but instead of extending the "I", I simply enlarged the entire word Linear so that the word Gallery could fit inside the I running vertically. The colored iterations became bland so on the last one I added a gradient to the word gallery to make it pop more within the I. Next I used the shape of the L in linear to hold both words, Linear is read without the L in the top because of the L in the design. The L, by housing both letters, gives a feeling of two linear hallways filled with the words. Next I used the actual image of the Linear Gallery to create the logo, the lines on the sides representing the solid of the bays, and the dark shadows on the bottom that they cast with the words "linear gallery" where the end of the gallery would be. I had originally wanted to make the words skew in perspective opposite the bays but I could not figure out how to do this in Indesign. Lastly I used the linear Gradient on the word linear to make the word fade and had the constant Gallery underneath at a smaller height. I then played with the stroke color and weight to give a reversal feeling to the word linear instead of it just fading out.

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